Step 1: Add Dependy to Your Project
With Dart
To add Dependy to your Dart project, open your terminal and run:
dart pub add dependy
With Flutter
If you are using Flutter, run:
flutter pub add dependy
Both commands will update your pubspec.yaml
file automatically and fetch the package.
Alternatively, you can manually edit your pubspec.yaml
file to include Dependy:
dependy: ^1.2.0
After editing, run the following command to get the package:
dart pub get
Step 2: Import Dependy in Your Code
In any Dart file where you want to use Dependy, add the following import statement:
import 'package:dependy/dependy.dart';
Step 3: Example Usage
Here’s a simple example to illustrate how to use Dependy for dependency injection:
import 'package:dependy/dependy.dart';
/// Check other examples on the source
class CounterService {
int _count = 0;
int increment() => ++_count;
final dependy = DependyModule(
providers: {
(_) => CounterService(),
void main() async {
final counterService = await dependy<CounterService>();
print('Initial Count: ${counterService.increment()}');
print('After Increment: ${counterService.increment()}');