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Combine Modules

In this example, we demonstrate how to use Dependy to manage services with dependencies on each other in a modular system. The code demonstrates how to structure and use different modules to create services like DatabaseService, ApiService, AuthService, and PaymentService.

Code Example

import 'package:dependy/dependy.dart';

class DatabaseService {
void connect() => print('Connected to Database');

class ApiService {
final DatabaseService _db;


void fetchData() {
print('Fetching data from API...');

class AuthService {
void authenticate() => print('User authenticated');

class PaymentService {
final AuthService _auth;


void processPayment() {
print('Payment processed');

final databaseModule = DependyModule(
providers: {
(_) => DatabaseService(),

final mainModule = DependyModule(
providers: {
(dependy) async {
final databaseService = await dependy<DatabaseService>();
return ApiService(databaseService);
dependsOn: {
DatabaseService, // dependsOn DatabaseService which is declared on databaseModule
(_) => AuthService(),
(dependy) async {
final authService = await dependy<AuthService>();
return PaymentService(authService);
dependsOn: {
modules: {
databaseModule, // makes the databaseModule providers are accessible from mainModule

void main() async {
final apiService = await mainModule<ApiService>();
final paymentService = await mainModule<PaymentService>();


Explanation of the Code

Service Classes:

  • DatabaseService: This service is simulating a database connection. The connect method prints a message indicating a successful connection.

  • ApiService: This service depends on DatabaseService to cache the data retrieved by api. The fetchData method prints a message and then calls DatabaseService to simulate a database connection.

  • AuthService: This service handles user authentication. The authenticate method prints a message to simulate user authentication.

  • PaymentService: This service depends on AuthService to authenticate users before processing payments. The processPayment method authenticates the user and then prints a message to indicate payment processing.


  • databaseModule: Contains the DatabaseService.

  • mainModule: Contains the ApiService, AuthService and PaymentService. PaymentService depends on AuthService for user authentication, and this is specified within the module.

Running the Application:

When you run the application, you should see the following output:

Fetching data from API...
Connected to Database
User authenticated
Payment processed

This output confirms that the dependencies are resolved correctly, and the services interact as expected.