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Eager Module

This example demonstrates how to use the Dependy library to create an eager-loaded module where all dependencies are resolved synchronously. The asEager() extension allows you to eagerly resolve and instantiate services immediately when the module is created, rather than lazily resolving them on demand.


In this example, we define several services and use the DependyModule to manage their dependencies:

  1. ConfigService: Provides configuration information, like the API URL.
  2. LoggerService: Logs messages.
  3. DatabaseService: Represents a database connection, which depends on ConfigService and LoggerService.
  4. ApiService: Represents an API service, also depending on ConfigService and LoggerService.

We will use the asEager() extension to make all services available immediately when the module is created.



This service holds the configuration, such as the API URL.

class ConfigService {

final String apiUrl;


This service is responsible for logging messages.

class LoggerService {
void log(String message) {
print("LOG: $message");


The DatabaseService simulates a connection to a database. It depends on both ConfigService and LoggerService to log the connection details.

class DatabaseService {
DatabaseService(this.config, this.logger);

final ConfigService config;
final LoggerService logger;

void connect() {
logger.log("Connecting to database at ${config.apiUrl}");


The ApiService fetches data from an API, also requiring the ConfigService for the API URL and LoggerService for logging.

class ApiService {
ApiService(this.config, this.logger);

final ConfigService config;
final LoggerService logger;

void fetchData() {
logger.log("Fetching data from API at ${config.apiUrl}");

Eager Module Setup

In the main function, we create an eager module that resolves all services synchronously using the asEager() extension. This means all dependencies will be resolved and the services will be instantiated as soon as the module is created.

void main() async {
final eagerModule = await DependyModule(
providers: {
(resolve) async => ConfigService(""),
(resolve) async => LoggerService(),
(resolve) async => DatabaseService(
await resolve<ConfigService>(),
await resolve<LoggerService>(),
dependsOn: {ConfigService, LoggerService},
(resolve) async => ApiService(
await resolve<ConfigService>(),
await resolve<LoggerService>(),
dependsOn: {ConfigService, LoggerService},
).asEager(); // Convert to an EagerDependyModule using asEager extension

// Retrieve the services synchronously
final dbService = eagerModule<DatabaseService>();

final apiService = eagerModule<ApiService>();

Key Points

  1. Eager Loading: The asEager() extension eagerly resolves all dependencies and makes them available immediately after module creation.
  2. Service Retrieval: Services can be retrieved synchronously after the module is created, making it simpler to use the services without waiting for async resolution.

Expected Output

When the application runs, the following output will be printed to the console:

LOG: Connecting to database at
LOG: Fetching data from API at